Welcome to the Story Moto ADV official motovlog motoblog. I'll explain the doubled up word play shortly. First, If you are familiar with the Story Moto ADV YouTube channel, thank you for watching and while this blog post marks the beginning of a new era for our channel, this announcement has no impact on our regular content. We'll still be providing all the dual sport tutorials, DiY How to Mods, Expert Reviews, Extreme Performance reviews, doting on our beloved Kawasaki Versys x 300 and much more that you've gotten used to.

We will be adding to that list soon. When we finish the in depth Versys 300 series we will be launching a series on the BMW F800 GSA. Currently being filmed now, all I can say is that that bike is a beast. Keep an eye out and make sure your bell notification is ON for our content.
About the motvlog motoblog word play... Effectively I am saying that this blog is about our vlog-- our Youtube Channel Story Moto ADV. We are finally launching the primary purpose of Story Moto ADV to begin with and we intend to do something a little different than you might be used to with this portion of the STORY. I’ll explain that in a second. First allow me to claim why I am confident you’ll find value in our content overall.

The Story Moto ADV Youtube Channel and this Blog are essentially an ongoing report on a life long passion for the outdoors coupled with a 44 year obsession for motorcycles. WHAT THAT TRANSLATES TO FOR YOU IS THIS: We are moulding that experience into bite sized chunks for you the viewer / reader to take advantage of.

Our intention is to take those decades of experience and turn them into something you can use to make the most efficient use of YOUR TIME and DOLLAR spent in your effort to become an adventure rider or enhance the experience you currently have as being one.
THE MOTORCYCLE FAMILY ...A.K.A. The Johnson Family... We are simply, deeply, hopelessly, entranced by motorcycles and specifically Dual Sport & Adventure Motorcycles and most pin-pointedly... we are most intrigued by riding them like we stole them and caring for them as though we gave them life from our own loins. haha. You get the point. It's what we love. The Story we hope to tell is not one of OUR life… our ups, downs, experiences, likes and dislikes. Rather we hope to tell a story about being human, about living in passion, about making a way where there was none, about what it takes for us--us, you, them... all of us...to make our way. The fact that WE get to use motorcycles to do it… well that’s just a bonus.

Regarding this Motoblog and the mention of it being utilized differently… We will be using in Tandem with the Story Moto ADV Youtube Channel. We intend to get a little bit closer to the heart of the matter shared in whichever video it might reference. Hence the name--Motovlog Motoblog. In other words-- this BLOG will be used primarily to intimate the content of the VLOG. Ultimately we chose this core utility because we are more writers than film makers-- so it is much easier for us to convey emotion in writing.

This written platform allows us to be a little more raw, less refined,
imperfect, more forthcoming with the truths of the matter that are only conveyable ( by us anyway ) in words. I've been told 1,000 if not 10,000 times that I should write books. It was very difficult for me to accept that sort of praise. I fought long and hard with the thought of agreeing that I actually am good at something other than riding motorcycles. At length however I placed it on this shelf: If I have something burning inside of me I can usually convey it to someone / anyone if I am allowed to do it in writing. With that I at least had to agree that written words were my friends. In the context of this vlog blog we hope to introduce you to those friends and at length have a valuable time hanging out here and there. Bonnie is going to bring her friends to the party as well-- she is a gifted writer. We are looking forward to the soiree.
We have quite the story to tell and quite the ride ahead of us.

We are taking our family back from the ravages of this world and introducing them to a more connected and fundamental way of life. First we break the chains of addiction... online gaming, tobacco, alcohol the list goes on... in no particular order. From there we learn to relax and listen to one another. That is our very simple, humble starting plan.
Billy J