I’d be lying if I said...
...It wasn’t pretty cool and flattering to get contacted to write an article in a magazine dedicated to one's favorite thing in the world. Which for me... is adventure riding . Well for us technically speaking is dual sport adventure riding / motorcycle camping but you get the point. That stated, we ( we as an I ) thereby get to move right on past the 800 lb. gorilla that is my awkwardness in regard to anything self congratulatory. lol. Not sure why that is. It just is. Hear me out...
Aside from the fact that we of course want to share the article with our peeps to ‘celebrate’ the honor of being asked to write it, we moreso wish to share the article itself and to draw attention to Traverse magazine.
As for Traverse we wish to support them because they are a hell of a bunch--patient, kind and thoroughly dedicated to their craft and the sport of adventure riding.
This shows plainly in each of the 17 bi-monthly issues they’ve produced thus far. So the props are to them AND for you. If you haven’t heard of TRAVERSE, check them out. I’m certain you and I will share the same opinion of their content and dedication to it once you have.
SO… in terms of the purpose of and value in writing this quick blog post…so far it’s, one for us, one for Traverse, one for you and it looks like you win today because there’s one more thing for you. Haha. The article.
The article is entitled...
Dealing With IT.
It offers a take on an aspect of the adventure riding / adventure travel lifestyle that is extremely challenging-- and ever present-- but is rarely EVER discussed. The goal of the article was to shed some light on IT and perhaps stimulate some dialogue and awareness among friends and family to the effect of… of well… I guess just keeping us all a little happier and healthier as we go along.
You know, putting as many smiles in the miles as we all can.
We are confident you’ll find value in Traverse Magazine and hope the same for our article. As ‘lip-servicy’ as the next statement can be in many applications, I know most of you know that it is truth when I say that Bonnie and I --and the Story Moto ADV family-- are very grateful for all of you— and on so many levels that it kinda gets me a lil …
well …. sometimes I just get a little dust in my eyes…. That’s all. Lol.
Stay Safe Out There. Story Moto Out.

Billy J is co-founder of Story Moto ADV, a dual sport / adventure riding brand with strategic initiatives serving the health of the adventure touring community in order to develop a unified voice for speaking resolution into motorcycle land closures in the U.S. due to overcrowding and other public land use conflicts. He has been a rider for 45 years, an extreme adventurer for 31, and an avid dual sport adventure rider for 20. His first time living on a motorcycle for more than a year was in 1988 and most recently for 16 months living and riding full time with his wife Bonnie J and their kids on a tour that wrapped up in the summer of 2019. The are plugging away at the Story Moto ADV compound for another round set to commence in the Summer of 2020.
All things motorcycle. All things camping, All things camp cooking
any single topic or combination therein.