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MOTO CHURCH- Precious Things

Writer's picture: Bonnie & Billy JBonnie & Billy J


A link to the book of books.... My Utmost for His Highest


I don't want to be crude but a few tough words have to be said in order to unpack the mission of Moto Church.

Like many, we are disenfranchised with the circus like church of modern day organized religion. The doctrine of a timid, vending-machine Jesus' has afforded itself palaces on every corner in every city--Except those where the economy can't sustain the business model.

I concur that my disenfranchisement may sound like church hurt gone permanent limp. The truth is I believe they do wonders for many people. They do in many cases love on people who are hurting and do wonderful things for communities. They start a fire in people sometimes and great things come from it. People often learn how to do something inspiring or become equipped to stop making STUPID life choices. In many cases they offer a basis and some essential life skills we all need regardless of the spiritual aspects.

What is important in life is that we find solutions. I am not for spotlighting problems without also offering answers or at least some healthy, thought-out suggestions. I also understand that this anti-prosperity gospel view I alluded to in the first statement is a dead horse with many pro-and-o-pponents. I won't debate this with anyone because I do see both sides and finally realized that I'll never have a positive impact on it. The adage- Follow the money, comes to mind. Follow it and see that it cuts quite a path. It is a big machine. We'd all do well to forget throwing our spike strips in front of tanks and instead focus our attention on the wounded left in their paths.

The purpose of Moto Church is to do just that…. reach those and any others wounded by mechanism of the world. We want to reach them and those that don't believe the way we do and convey to them that it's ok. And while we don't believe the same way I believe they are His so why does it matter so much? Because of their salvation? I believe every knee will bow so why does it have to be my doing right now? And why does my agenda have to include that? Who am I to require that of someone in order to regard them as a son or daughter? It’s literally what drives people away from the very idea of God. Playing the role of judge, jury and executioner, Christians have driven people to atheism by the masses. Which is baffling for me to grasp because... It is that same impossibly lawful piety and self righteousness that Jesus himself stood against.

How the portrayal of Jesus in the church is perceived from the inside is much different than from the outside. Inside the walls He has been reduced in perception to a vending machine with songs written about the wonders of his treats for you. And from the outside he is perceived as shepard to archaic thinking pitchfork mobs. That sucks because the reality is that most atheists and agnostics wholeheartedly value the very same tenets of what He ACTUALLY is and DID when He was here. He loved and laughed like a child and yet he crushed abusive mistreatment and heartless greed and perversions of things sacred. He Stood against the machine. He was wild AND pure. And frankly... Todays church can't do wild. It's fiscally unpredictable. And the long haul result of omitting that from the teachings is that people in masses are left with half the story trying to account for something wild inside them that they are led to believe is simply wrong or not acceptable. When in fact it accounts for half of their very God given nature.

The only thing I know to do in this quandary is not be a part of the problem. For us right now that looks like trying to make the best motorcycle vlogs I can to convey a message of hope to people who may not be wondering if Jesus is real or not but may just need someone or something to lean on in the way of not bad news or some guides for addressing life decisions. We dont anticipate another new church online is going to save the world any more than we consider Moto Church an actual church... but... I know what I have to say needs to be said. And I believe it is information that many will be happy to hear on both sides of the fence.

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